Let your newly elected MP know what matters to you

The challenges our country faces, including poor heath and diets, climate change, polluted rivers and nature depletion, can only be tackled with changes to our food and farming system.

The Soil Association are actively tackling a whole range of these challenges, including through their Food for Life programme in schools and hospitals, the Innovative Farmers research programme and the certification of organic food and sustainable forestry. The Soil Association has highlighted a number of issues where the new government can make a difference and we want to ask you to demand your local MP makes sure the government delivers on these.

Opportunities to do this in the next year will include:

  • Extending the Food for Life programme which helps bring healthy and sustainable food to schools and hospitals across the country
  • Tackling the appalling state of our rivers by properly controlling intensive, polluting factory farms
  • Producing an action plan to increase the consumption and support the production of fruit and vegetables
  • Making organic food available and affordable to everyone and support organic producers for the wider benefits they provide
  • Making sure the rules around gene editing allow for proper product labelling and respect for organic production

Use our tool today to send a powerful message to your local MP to let them know you care about healthier food and more sustainable farming.

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